Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction

Tummy tuck and liposuction are two surgical options that are widely popular when a flatter tummy is desired. These two surgical alternatives are what people turn to next when their flabby tummies do respond to neither diet nor exercise. Although the tummy tuck is a very comprehensive makeover of the tummy, most cases would only require a liposuction.

A tummy tuck is a major surgery which requires an incision stretching from one hip bone to another. The skin around the belly button is also cut open to free the abdominal skin. The skin is then separated from the abdomen while the excess fat is removed. The abdominal muscles can also be tightened up by stitching them together. The tummy tuck procedure is ended by pulling down the skin and cutting off any excess. A new hole is made for the belly button and the incisions are then stitched together. A tummy tuck is also performed under general anesthesia.

Due to the major nature of the tummy tuck surgery, there are substantial risks involved. There are risks associated with surgical complications and also risks tied to the anesthetics. Therefore, a tummy tuck could become a real option only if you need to lose weight and get rid of a lot of excess skin – as in the case of losing a lot of weight rapidly. The liposuction is usually a less traumatic option if your weight loss requirement is not as drastic.

Liposuction only involves making a few small incisions in the abdominal area to insert the surgical tools. The excess fat is sucked out of the body using a surgical vacuum and the incisions are stitched closed. Surgeons can perform liposuction using local anesthetics as opposed to general anesthesia. There will be excess skin left after a liposuction compared to a tummy tuck but the rate of the skin shrinking after losing body fat makes up for it. Think of how the tummy returns to normal after pregnancy and you get the idea.

Since liposuction is much less traumatic than a tummy tuck, the patient usually undergoes rapid recovery and can be going off to work after as little as 3 days of recovery. A full tummy tuck takes a few months to recover from and up to a year to enjoy the full benefits. Even then, a tummy tuck leaves big surgical scars compared to the tiny scars of a liposuction.

Want to learn more about Tummy Tucks?, feel free to visit us at:

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tummy Tucks: Know What Questions To Ask So You Don't Get Ripped Off!

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a procedure that is used to tighten and sculpt the contours of the abdominal wall. You should be aware that the cost of a tummy tuck depends on a few different things. These variables can include things like the general health of the patient and their weight as well as the patient's age. The cost of a tummy tuck may also include any post-operative expenses.

An excellent thing to do when you are trying to figure out the cost of a tummy tuck is to speak with a surgeon who will does tummy tuck procedures. At this point you may not have chosen a surgeon yet, but any surgeon who sees you as a potential customer should be very willing to sit down with you and go over all the variables for determining the final cost of the operation.

The more complex the procedure turns out to be, obviously it will cost more money. Some things that could make a tummy tuck more complex would be you overall health. This could determine what type of drugs will be used and if a anesthesia specialist will be needed. Anything that needs to be added will cost more money.

No matter what the different factors are for your surgery, you can definitely plan on spending a few thousand dollars for a tummy tuck. Other variables of cost will be where you live and what doctor you use.

It is interesting to note that some people have started to go to countries like Russia, Italy or France to have their tummy tuck. The cost of the procedure in these countries is much less expensive than in the US, but lets face it, do you really want to have surgery anywhere than near your home? That is something you will have to decide. But it is a fact that going abroad for a tummy tuck is definitely and option and one you may want to look into if you are looking at ways to drive down the cost of this surgery.

Go to Rose's site, for more information on tummy tucks

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Tummy Tuck Questions

What is a tummy tuck?

One of the very first questions that is asked regularly is just what is a tummy tuck? A tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure or operation to extract the build up of excess fat deposits and loose skin from the abdominal area the operation allows the surgeon to tighten up the abdominal wall muscles. The surgery is known in the medical field as the abdominoplasty procedure it is now regarded as major surgery but despite this fact its popularity continues to increase and it has become one of the most performed surgeries by plastic surgeons.

Who is the best candidate for a tummy tuck?

The ideal candidate for the tummy tuck procedure would be a man or a woman who is in good condition both physically and mentally. In addition, someone who has exhausted all other avenues of losing weight such as exercise and diet. Still has the problem of excess weight and or loose saggy skin around the abdomen area. Many women who finished childbearing benefit from this procedure with its ability to reduce or remove stretch marks.

What is a mini tummy tuck?

The mini tummy tuck, is a less invasive procedure that only requires one incision as opposed to the two incisions required for the full tummy tuck. This procedure is sometimes called the partial abdominoplasty . This operation is suitable for people with less fatty deposits than the candidates for the full tummy tuck. Because there are fewer incisions with this procedure recovery from the mini tummy tuck is often quicker.

Where is a tummy tuck performed?

The tummy tuck procedures are generally performed in a hospital or an outpatients surgical centre. Although some surgeons do perform them in a fully equipped surgeons office-based facility if they have that resource.

Does the surgeon use an anesthetic?

Yes the surgeon will use an anesthetic in most cases this will be a general anesthetic in some cases they will use a local anesthetic and sedation or a combination of the two.

How Long does the surgery last?

The tummy tuck procedure can take between two to five hours a lot depends on the individual case and needs of the patient and if any complications arise during the surgery. The majority of procedures are completed within the two to five hour period.

Rob H provides more articles on Tummy Tuck Procedure along with more information on Tummy Tucks here you are free to use this article providing the article and resource box are used in its entirety with the links active.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Understand Knee Rehabilitation

James had injured his knee on a rambling trip in France. After consulting his family doctor he was advised to work out on an exercise bike. This just made the knee worse so he consulted a second doctor who sent him for physiotherapy. The physiotherapist referred him to a gym, where the fitness manager put him through a rigorous programme of exercise with a rowing machine, treadmill and cross-trainer. Imagine his misery when instead of the knee getting better it swelled up, became much more painful and he found himself wondering if he should buy a walking cane and move to a downstairs apartment. What was going on?

Well, knee rehabilitation after injury or surgery is not just a case of going to the gym and pushing through the pain. In this case, none of the medical people had made a proper diagnosis, but even without a diagnosis the knee itself was making it clear that the exercise regime was inappropriate.

You see, the body follows a natural progression of healing. Each step of the rehabilitation programme needs to be in sympathy with this healing process. If not, one can do a lot of harm.

After any insult to the knee the inflamed joint lining produces increased fluid and a cascade of chemicals that appear one after the other in a specific sequence. The early part of this cascade encourages blood vessels to dilate and become leaky. Blood plasma containing immune cells leak out of the blood to enter the damaged area and try to clean it up and prevent infection. This whole process contributes to the knee feeling swollen, hot, red and painful. This is called inflammation. Different chemicals emerge later in the cascade to promote closing up of the injury and enhance healing through formation of scar tissue to replace damaged or missing tissues caused by the original injury.

If the knee keeps getting stressed, then the choreography breaks down and the inflammation cascade occurs at the same time as the scarring cascade. This can sometimes prove disastrous, with a hot swollen painful knee stiffening up with sticky adhesions within the knee cavity and the lubricating pouches around the knee, tying previously mobile tissues together and reducing movement within the joint. Without the right attention these adhesions can turn into scar tissue.

To give your knee the best chance of benefiting from a rehabilitation programme you must clearly identify what phase of rehabilitation your knee is in. You need to know what the phases are and the dos and don'ts of each phase. You need to be able to recognise when you have pushed things too far for that phase and what to do about it if you do.

In the early stages of rehabilitation after injury or surgery be sensitive to the fact that the knee lining is likely to be inflamed. The swelling and pain that are normal in this phase may cause the muscles, especially the quads muscles, to become inhibited and unable to contract properly. Gentle sustained stretches ensure that the tendons of the inhibited muscles do not shorten and limit movement in the future. Gentle progressive movement is necessary and really important to lubricate the joint properly and to break down any adhesions. Simple 'balance' exercises improve balance and position sense in the knee, both of which can easily be lost at this stage leading to re-injury. Rest, ice, compression dressings and elevation are needed after each session to try and minimise swelling. While the inflammation settles you may have to limit some activities and then build these activities up again gradually during the later healing stage.

Only when you have close to full range of movement should you start to concentrate on rebuilding strength. Keep in mind when starting strength training that muscles act in complementary sets. For example, you need to exercise the muscles that bend the knee as well as those that straighten it. Too much emphasis on one set of mucles may lead the complementary set to weaken which destabilises the knee. The quality and timing of the muscle contraction is also important in re-building muscle strength efficiently.

Under ideal conditions, rehabilitation would progress smoothly from strength training to endurance training and then back to full activities. But moving to endurance training too early can again trigger an inflammatory response and set rehabilitation right back with more swelling, pain, muscle inhibition and loss of the range of motion you may already have regained. This is what happened in James's case. He had already lost time off work, and had now wasted all his efforts in going to the gym.

In this scenario, pushing through the pain is not going to fix the knee. It will only make things worse. With knees, repeating cycles of healing and then renewed inflammation signify that you are pushing too hard and are not being careful enough in your rehabilitation programme. Back off right down again to the first stage of rehabilitation. Return your focus to dealing with the inflammation not the strengthening or endurance. While that might seem like a step backwards, it is really a step forwards towards your ultimate goal of getting better.

Start again with rest, ice, elevation, compression, and possibly anti-inflammatory medication. Stretches and gentle flexibility exercises should be continued, but only when the inflammation settles should you return to strength and endurance training. If you cannot manage this on your own, a good physiotherapist with experience in knee rehabilitation should be able to resolve the problem before things deteriorate too far.

Dr Sheila Strover co-founded the Droitwich Knee Clinic and The Knee Foundation in the UK. She is currently CEO of the 'KNEEguru' website. Details of knee rehabilitation stretches and exercises can be found at .

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Body Sculpting: What is It?

Body sculpting procedures
1. Liposuction
When you’ve worked out in the gym, gone jogging or bike riding or running or speed walking etc, and still have areas which won’t slim down, that’s the time for liposuction. You can discuss with your cosmetic surgeon which exact areas need liposuction. It could be done on the chin, neck, back, upper arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, knees or calves; or you can discuss other areas with your surgeon.

For best results, choose an experienced cosmetic surgeon who offers High Definition Liposculpture, which is a fairly new approach. For this procedure you need to have good muscle tone and not much loose skin. It will remove deep and superficial fat to reveal the muscle contours.

2. Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
With this procedure, you can remove the belly bulge that resists diet and exercise. It will remove unwanted fat and skin and give you tighter abdominal muscles.

3. Gynocomastia Reduction
Gynocomastia is enlarged male breasts. This can be from extra fat, extra breast tissue, or both. Each procedure is customized and will give you a flatter, more male-looking chest.

4. Buttocks Augmentation
This is a fat grafting procedure, using fat taken from elsewhere on your body. It will give you the buttocks contour you would like to have.

5. Velashape™
If you have been fighting cellulite, here is a great answer for you. You may have seen it featured on television. It’s an FDA-approved body sculpting system that combines three treatment modes:
· Radio frequency
· Light energy (either a laser or other type of light)
· Special rollers which massage the treatment area

It includes a cooling system to prevent any harm to the body from heat. The result of combining these treatment modes is that metabolism of fat is increased, lymph drainage increases, and the size of fat cells decreases.

Velashape works for all skin types and skin colors. There is no downtime and it is virtually painless. You will have smoother skin and noticeable reshaping of the treated area.

Your particular body sculpting program would be discussed with your cosmetic surgeon. Together you would both plan the specific procedures, their sequence, and the timeframe, so as to fit it comfortably into your schedule and budget. It’s best to choose a very experienced cosmetic surgeon for body sculpting, as not only is a practiced hand necessary, but also an artistic eye. Those two assets come with years of experience working with every body type.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, it is imperative that you contact an experienced and knowledgeable surgeon. Contact the professionals at Denver Breast today for your initial consultation.

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Plastic Surgery After Massive Weight Loss

While most men and women lose pounds through diet and exercise, some need a little extra help. If you were frustrated by years of diets and exercise that never gave you any consistency, and you turned to bariatric surgery for help, you may be left with a great healthy body, but lots of sagging skin.

This group of patients, and even some of those who are able to lose weight through more traditional techniques, is often left with excess hanging skin and fat deposits in places on their bodies that can only be smoothed and contoured with plastic surgery.

Exercise and diet will get you only so far in sculpting your body if you have undergone a major weight loss. Plastic surgery is then required to deal with the excess skin and fat deposits on those people who have undergone a massive loss of over 100 pounds; the body just can't take care of it on its own.

Weight loss surgery is increasing in popularity, as the population of the U.S. continues to recognize the need for a healthy lifestyle.

More and more plastic surgeons are seeing patients in their offices who are in need of body contouring procedures to help the patient who just lost a massive amount of pounds to look even better and feel even better in their new bodies.

Generally, patients looking to have cosmetic procedures after a weight loss are looking to remove excess skin and fat deposits which are left in the areas of their face, neck, arms, breasts, abdomen, back, and thighs.

While weight loss patients are usually very interested in plastic surgery procedures, it is important to note that patients who have undergone a rapid and extreme loss have skin which is much more lax than those who have lost over time or who were not overweight at all.

This means that weight loss patients will see results from the procedure; however, the results are likely to be less than expected than those who not lost massive weight.

It is acknowledged that tummy tucks are often one of the first procedures performed post weight loss.

There are many surgeries to consider if you have undergone a serious weight loss. They include:
* abdominoplasty (tummy tuck),
* circumferential lower body lift,
* breast lift,
* arm lift,
* face lift,
* neck lift,
* and other body contouring procedures to make your body look so great after your hard work.

If you're considering having plastic surgery, it is advisable that you speak with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in your area and discuss your options and expected outcomes.

By working with an experienced cosmetic surgeon they can help you to understand what your body could look like and what the risks of having the surgical procedures might be.

If you are looking for improvement to your new slim body and are otherwise in healthy condition, plastic surgery might be just what is needed to help you slim the abdomen or contour your legs and arms to look great!

In Valencia, tummy tuck should be performed by an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon. One Santa Clarita Valley plastic surgeon with an extensive experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries offers body makeover before and after pictures, procedure information, and financing options online at

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What are My Tummy Tuck Surgery Options?

a man or woman considering having a tummy tuck procedure done, you have a couple of options available to help you decide if the surgery is right for you or not.

Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a major surgical procedure used to flatten out and tighten the stomach muscles. Additionally, abdominoplasty is used to remove some excess belly fat and abdominal skin which has formed in the area. The result of abdominoplasty is a much flatter, tighter abdominal area.

- Abdominal Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

While a tummy tuck is the proper surgical procedure for many men and women, a less invasive option is to have abdominal liposuction.

Abdominal liposuction simply removes excess fat deposits in the abdominal area without involving the muscle tissue. This makes liposuction a much simpler and less pain intensive for patients. But may be less effective than a tummy tuck if you have muscle damage from pregnancy, for example.

Determining which procedure is for you should be based on an evaluation by a reputable plastic surgeon. Some criteria for both procedures are listed below to get you started ...

- Who Should Have a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck procedure is generally the right one to choose if you have issues with buldging of your abdominal muscles or lax skin in the area. You may be a good candidate if you meet some or all of the following criteria:
* Excess fat in your abdominal area
* Excess skin on your abdominal area which either sags or has an over-hang
* Laxity of your abdominal skin caused by previous pregnancy, age, or weight gain or loss.
* Bulging of the true abdominal wall caused by pregnancy
* Bulging of the abdominal area caused by being over-weight.
- Who Should Have Liposuction?

Only patients who have a small amount of excess fat and good tone of the skin and muscles of their abdominal area should consider liposuction as an alternative to a tummy tuck.

It is also imperative that you have no bulging of the abdominal wall muscle or excess abdominal skin which is lax because both of these situations will cause your surgery to appear to have failed.

In order to be an appropriate candidate for liposuction, some plastic surgeons will consider ...

* If you are over-weight
* If you've ever been pregnant
* Your age
* If you have ever lost large amounts of weight

As you can see from the information listed above, a good candidate for liposuction simply needs to remove excess fat from their body.

However, the good candidate for a tummy tuck needs a more invasive procedure which will deal with issues of saggy skin and lax muscle tone. To evaluate which option is needed for your body you should schedule a consultation appointment with a Board Certified plastic surgeon in your area.

For men and women in San Francisco, tummy tuck can help achieve a beautiful, shapely torso through the skills found in an experienced, board certified surgeon. One such San Francisco plastic surgeon offers video information, BMI calculators, tummy tuck before and after pictures, and financing online at

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A Tummy Tuck or Liposuction - Which Procedure is Right for You?

It is very common for your abdominal area to collect fat and even begin to sag as you age. Childbirth will exasperate this issue greatly due to the stretching of the abdominal wall and abdominal skin.

While abdominal issues are common in older women, they can be addressed and corrected by an experienced plastic surgeon. A plastic surgeon can combine liposuction and tummy tuck procedures to greatly improve the look of your abdominal area.

While many women believe that abdominal liposuction and a tummy tuck procedure are interchangeable with each other, nothing could really be farther from the truth.

It is vitally important that you and you plastic surgeon work together on determining the correct procedure for your specific needs. However, before you contact your plastic surgeon's office to schedule a consultation, here is some information on both procedures to get you started on understanding which procedure is right for you ...

Who Should Have a Tummy Tuck?

While a tummy tuck is a much more invasive and expensive procedure than liposuction, you will find the results much more satisfying if a tummy tuck is the correct procedure for your situation.

In order to meet the criteria, you will likely need to meet some (or all) of the conditions below:

* Excess fat in your abdominal area
* Excess skin on your abdominal area which either sags or has an over-hang
* Laxity of your abdominal skin caused by previous pregnancy, age, or weight gain or loss.
* Bulging of the true abdominal wall caused by pregnancy
* Bulging of the abdominal area caused by being over-weight.

The only way to deal with each of the above issues effectively is through a tummy tuck. While liposuction can remove small amounts of fat, it will not correct the abdominal wall and muscle damage from pregnancy, large weight loss or the aging process.

Who Should Have Liposuction?

Only patients who have a small amount of excess fat and good tone of the skin of their abdominal area should consider liposuction as an alternative. It is also imperative that you have no bulging of the abdominal wall muscle or excess abdominal skin which is lax.

In order to be an appropriate candidate for liposuction alone, most surgeons will consider ...

* If you are over-weight, or only slightly over-weight
* If you have ever been pregnant
* Your age
* If you have ever lost large amounts of weight

As you can see, there is a clear difference in criteria between abdominal liposuction and a tummy tuck. By meeting with a Board Certified plastic surgeon in your area for consultation, you can choose the procedure which will yield you the best end result.

In Valencia, tummy tuck can achieve the smoother shapelier figure you want and should be performed by a board certified plastic surgeon. One such surgeon with an extensive experience in aesthetic surgeries practices at Town Center Plastic Surgery. They offer tummy tuck before and after pictures and information at

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Tummy Tuck Facts and Your Figure

To fit in with today's image of a perfect body for a female, a tummy tuck may very well be a solution for a woman who has unwanted extra skin and fat after pregnancies or after weight loss.

"If you have had children and stretched your skin beyond return or you have been obese and lost a huge amount of weight I can see why you would opt for this surgery. It certainly will improve your self image and can improve your life over all." Bev M., 48, Atlanta, GA.

If you are considering moving forward with this cosmetic surgery procedure, you need to be sure that you deal with a very qualified and board-certified surgeon. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is a valuable resource for finding the right surgeon. Look for them online.

The steps during the procedure involve:
* anesthesia
* incision
* removal of tissue
* closing the incision (which can be done via sutures, skin adhesives, tape or clips)

As with any type of surgery, there are certain risks involved. You should be in good health and be a non-smoker.

If you do smoke, you should give up smoking well in advance of the surgery, and you should abstain from taking medications such as aspirin, which can thin your blood.

Of course, some risks for surgery are more common than others. Possible risks of a tummy tuck include, but are not limited to ...
* scarring
* infection
* persistent pain
* anesthesia risks
* nerve damage
* abdominal pain
* chronic swelling of the legs

You should know that you will have one or two thin horizontal scar lines across your bikini line. If you have had a Cesarean section, the scars may be integrated into each other. You may need a second incision depending on the amount of fat tissue in your upper abdomen. The scar will always be visible but will fade significantly with time.

The procedure can be done on an outpatient basis, but be sure to have someone with you for the drive home, and it is advisable to have someone close by for at least one or two days after the procedure. It takes approximately one to two weeks to recover, if your surgery is without complications.

The costs vary and you will have to do some research to find what fits your budget and expectations.

Paula H, Milan MI, says: "My sister had to have a bladder lift so she asked the doctors if she could also get a tummy tuck at the same time. They did it. Because they did it at the same time, she only ended up paying something like $1,500 for the additional surgery, because she already had the anesthetic and that, they said, was the most expensive thing involved in the surgery."

As mentioned above, you need to realize that a tummy tuck may not change your life dramatically; however, if you have the finances available and are in pretty good health overall, a tummy tuck can help your clothes fit better, exercise a little better, and make you feel great!

For tummy tuck, Atlanta women thoroughly research the local plastic surgeons. At Swan Center for Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, the surgeons are board certified with many years of experience. They offer before and after pictures, procedure information and financing options online at

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Liposuction: Sculpting the Ideal Stomach

Unlike what some fitness commercials would like you to believe, creating a flat, toned belly in just minutes a day is physically impossible for most people.

When exercise fails, modern surgery can help you achieve a slender stomach in just a few hours.

If you've been religiously sweating at the gym, grunting through hundreds of crunches and sit-ups each week, and still seeing no results, you might just be out of luck. Although exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is always beneficial, no matter what you do, you can't sculpt specific parts of your body. You may indeed have a lean, powerful physique, but it might just be hidden beneath a layer of stubborn flab.

It is a rather common predisposition to develop a pot belly or love handles around the midsection. The effects of ageing, pregnancy, massive weight loss, and even stress will make the abdomen particularly resistant to toning.

If having a smooth belly is important to you and genetics are not in your favor, you might consider liposuction.

Liposuction is not a weight loss method and will not drastically lower the number on the scale, but it will smooth out stubborn lumps and small pockets of fat that refuse to melt away regardless of exercise and diet. The procedure is primarily used to sculpt the body, refining the skin so that your curves land in the right places.

The procedure is versatile. You can get liposuction on nearly any part of your body, from your neck to your toes, but the stomach is one of the most common areas.

Basic liposuction will target one specific area. The surgeon inserts a hollow tube into the body and gently moves it back and forth through the layer of fat, sucking out the cells. Afterwards, the surgeon may or may not stitch the incision closed. Sometimes it will be left open in order to drain excess fluid.

One of the major appeals of liposuction is the relative ease of recovery. Depending on the anesthesia given, some patients will be comfortable walking and caring for themselves immediately after surgery.

If only a small section is operated on, you could even return to work in as little as a few days. While you're healing, expect the area to be tender, bruised, and swollen. The results of the liposuction will be visible shortly after surgery, but it can take anywhere from a few weeks to months before all the swelling goes down.

As with many cosmetic procedures, there will be some minimal scarring and the possibility of prolonged numbness.

The major appeal of the procedure is that not only will you look great, but as long as you maintain a healthy body weight and exercise regime, the fat cells will never come back! The fat is permanently removed, but if you aren't careful, the remaining cells near the area can still plump up, causing some odd distortions.

So if nibbling on celery all day and pushing your body to the limits at the gym isn't trimming the fat anymore - don't beat yourself up. You might consider letting a surgeon sculpt out the flat stomach that you desire.

Liposuction, New Jersey, includes liposcultpture. This new technique is offered by Bergen County plastic surgery, Parker Center for Plastic Surgery with advanced lipoabdominoplasty. They offer liposuction information and before and after pictures to help you make your decision.

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