Friday, February 1, 2008

Plastic Surgery After Massive Weight Loss

While most men and women lose pounds through diet and exercise, some need a little extra help. If you were frustrated by years of diets and exercise that never gave you any consistency, and you turned to bariatric surgery for help, you may be left with a great healthy body, but lots of sagging skin.

This group of patients, and even some of those who are able to lose weight through more traditional techniques, is often left with excess hanging skin and fat deposits in places on their bodies that can only be smoothed and contoured with plastic surgery.

Exercise and diet will get you only so far in sculpting your body if you have undergone a major weight loss. Plastic surgery is then required to deal with the excess skin and fat deposits on those people who have undergone a massive loss of over 100 pounds; the body just can't take care of it on its own.

Weight loss surgery is increasing in popularity, as the population of the U.S. continues to recognize the need for a healthy lifestyle.

More and more plastic surgeons are seeing patients in their offices who are in need of body contouring procedures to help the patient who just lost a massive amount of pounds to look even better and feel even better in their new bodies.

Generally, patients looking to have cosmetic procedures after a weight loss are looking to remove excess skin and fat deposits which are left in the areas of their face, neck, arms, breasts, abdomen, back, and thighs.

While weight loss patients are usually very interested in plastic surgery procedures, it is important to note that patients who have undergone a rapid and extreme loss have skin which is much more lax than those who have lost over time or who were not overweight at all.

This means that weight loss patients will see results from the procedure; however, the results are likely to be less than expected than those who not lost massive weight.

It is acknowledged that tummy tucks are often one of the first procedures performed post weight loss.

There are many surgeries to consider if you have undergone a serious weight loss. They include:
* abdominoplasty (tummy tuck),
* circumferential lower body lift,
* breast lift,
* arm lift,
* face lift,
* neck lift,
* and other body contouring procedures to make your body look so great after your hard work.

If you're considering having plastic surgery, it is advisable that you speak with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in your area and discuss your options and expected outcomes.

By working with an experienced cosmetic surgeon they can help you to understand what your body could look like and what the risks of having the surgical procedures might be.

If you are looking for improvement to your new slim body and are otherwise in healthy condition, plastic surgery might be just what is needed to help you slim the abdomen or contour your legs and arms to look great!

In Valencia, tummy tuck should be performed by an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon. One Santa Clarita Valley plastic surgeon with an extensive experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries offers body makeover before and after pictures, procedure information, and financing options online at

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