Thursday, March 13, 2008

Do You Know What Body Fat Is Made Of?

When you think of body fat, you imagine a white substance that lines the muscles under your skin. We think that it is extra calories - wrong.

Fat is comprised of all the poisons and toxins, the pesticides, the food coloring, the preservatives, and everything in your food that cannot be easily digested. It also includes the poisons and toxins from your face cream, the residue from your shampoo, the air born pollutants in your home, the undigestible parts of your room freshiner.

No wonder the population finds it difficult remaining healthy. Add to this the lack of nutrients needed to energise and fuel the internal organs, and the exercise needed to keep the body healthy, and we have a receipe for disaster.

Once you decide to cleans your body and restore it to its youthful efficiency, stop. It is not time to head to the health food store.

Not All Herbs Are Equal

The first step is to learn about herbs. For example, not all Sage varieties work to help purify the blood and clean the digestive track. The pills may also cause health risks according to this Sage article on Medical Net.

Barberry, black radish, eyebright, lobelia, milk thistle, Oregon grape (do not use if pregnant), pau d'arco, wild yam, and yellow dock cleanse and detoxify the liver and the endocrine system. Use these independently or in combination

Many of these can become part of your diet, taken as a tea, or taken in pill form. But, it is vital to consult a doctor before adding a 'medical herb' to your diet.

Work at Home Freelance
In Celebration of Older Women
Pro Aging
Living With Food Related Diseases

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